
Manufacturer of culinary preparations to be reconstituted by the consumer or implemented by the food industry

As a food industry professional, are you seeking a subcontractor to manufacture culinary preparations ? Ready-to-market products or ingredients for your recipes, we accompany you from A to Z for delicious organic or conventional recipes !

Contact us

homme avec tablier

Liquid, powder, gel, or purée form: what type of culinary preparation do you need ?

We bring our expertise to complement your ranges and enrich your products for out-of-home or institutional catering, as well as specialized distribution, in both organic and conventional !

Culinary preparations

Dehydrated or liquid preparations for stocks, soups, desserts and sweet confections, smoothies, pastry aids, cake preparations.


Aromatics blends, vitamin and/or mineral premixes for example.

Unit or bulk packaging

According to your B2B or B2C needs, we study with you the best packaging solutions for your food products.

Our dedicated team carries out a personalized study according to your specifications.

Des attentes fortes pour la formulation 
au delà des bénéfices nutritionnels et fonctionnels

Composition et RSE

Qualité et usage

Vegan offering
Clean Label
and naturalness
Made in France
Taste and texture
Practicality of use
Gastric comfort and digestibility
Anti-doping certification
Do you have a project?

Our experts accompany you

Our experts at your service for your project






fully customizable packaging lines

Quality and safety: both our factories have been ISO 22000 certified since 2019

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